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Esempi: "Ho bisogno di un audit SEO per il mio sito web", "Cerco un professionista di Google Ads"
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Queste agenzie offrono i servizi che stai cercando all'interno del tuo budget. Dopo che ti avranno contattato potrai confrontare le tue opzioni e scegliere il partner ideale.
Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Se stai cercando un'agenzia digitale che possa portare il tuo sito web in cima alle classifiche di ricerca o mettere il tuo marchio sulla bocca di tutti, FizzyPop è l'agenzia digitale che fa per te.
Siamo un'agenzia digitale divertente, esperta e lungimirante con sede a Hawke's Bay, Nuova Zelanda. Nonostante la nostra posizione, vantiamo un'esperienza globale e siamo tra le poche agenzie in Nuova Zelanda che utilizzano modelli econometrici. Questa tecnica ci consente di prevedere la combinazione ottimale di strategie di marketing per raggiungere gli obiettivi della tua campagna.
I nostri media strategist pianificano e acquistano su un ampio spettro di canali, tra cui SEO, ricerca a pagamento, pubblicità display, social media, YouTube, radio, out-of-home e TV.
Eccelliamo nella produzione di concetti vincenti, portandoli fino alla produzione per garantire ai nostri clienti creatività che risuonino con il loro pubblico identificato.
La SEO è spesso il punto in cui inizia il nostro viaggio con i clienti. Siamo orgogliosi della nostra disponibilità e facilità di collaborazione. Mettiti semplicemente in contatto e facci sapere di cosa hai bisogno. Potrebbe essere semplice come dire che hai bisogno di più vendite: siamo qui per aiutarti. Il nostro obiettivo è farti sentire frizzante, gorgogliante e scoppiettante
Dimensione del business del cliente
Budget per progetto
$1,000 - 2,500
Durata del progetto
1-3 mesi
Focus geografico
New Zealand
Against the backdrop of fine weather, a sea of enthusiastic crowds flooded into Hawke’s Bay, transforming the long-awaited Art Deco Festival Napier 2024 into a roaring success. This marked the end of a three-year festival hiatus imposed by the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and Cyclone Gabrielle, bringing with it thousands of visitors and injecting millions of dollars into our region’s economy. A pivotal factor in our success was the implementation of our social media campaign managed by FizzyPop. Well-recognised as a leader in connecting audiences with cultural events, FizzyPop played a crucial role in achieving our objectives. The partnership with FizzyPop proved instrumental in exceeding all projections in creating awareness of the Festival and positioning Napier as open and ready to receive visitors post-Cyclone Gabrielle. Their strategic insights significantly boosted event sales. Their highly targeted digital strategy successfully attracted a legion of new festival-goers, ensuring a promising outlook for the 2025 festival. The Festival is paramount to our core mission - the preservation of Napier’s Art Deco era built heritage. Serving as a powerful force, the festival channels crowds into the heart of our community, revitalising businesses within the Art Deco Quarter and the broader Hawke’s Bay region. The Festival further promotes destination Art Deco Napier and visitation all year round. A bustling city is one of the most important factors in protecting our built heritage. Tourism has significant benefits not only for the economic well-being of our community but also for the protection of our heritage — both inseparable endeavours. FizzyPop's strategic insights resulted in a campaign that surpassing all expectations in telling the Art Deco Festival story to an attentive audience. Their management of our Meta account, featuring highly effective real-life video content, performed exceptionally well. Our YouTube campaign not only met but exceeded all performance targets by a significant margin. Overall, our festival website sessions, traffic, and page impressions experienced a substantial increase compared to previous years. I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to the entire FizzyPop team, who are not only experts in their craft but also made the process thoroughly enjoyable. We cannot praise them highly enough and eagerly anticipate working with them again as we prepare for Art Deco Festival Napier 2025! Through a successful Festival Digital Marketing campaign, we are fulfilling our mission to protect, promote, and restore our most valuable assets - our Art Deco era treasures, which are the very essence of our beautiful city. Thank you to the FizzyPop team! Matt and the team at Art Deco Festival Napier - Proudly produced by Art Deco Trust.
Tom was super helpful and incredibly efficient. A breeze to work with :)
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About your project
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Examples: “Need SEO audit for my website”, “Looking to hire a Google Ads professional”
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Budget and timing
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