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Fuzzy Marketing

Fuzzy Marketing

eCommerce a risposta diretta

Lucca, Tuscany, Italy



Siamo Leader in Italia nello sviluppo di progetti online a risposta diretta. Ci distinguiamo per l'approccio innovativo al marketing e all'eCommerce, focalizzandosi su metodi basati sulla risposta diretta applicati ai nostri eCommerce. Siamo nati dall'esperienza decennale nel settore, abbiamo sviluppato un sistema unico testato e collaudato che monitora attentamente il ROI di ogni investimento. Ci differenziamo significativamente dalle web agency e social media marketing agency per il suo focus sull'ecosistema e-commerce completo.

Da Fuzzy Marketing, abbiamo studiato e perfezionato un sistema basato sugli stadi di consapevolezza del cliente.

Mettiamola così: avete mai sentito dire che la tempistica è tutto?

Non si tratta solo di vendere, ma di capire quando e come presentare la vostra offerta.

Ciò che rende unica la nostra strategia è che prendiamo in considerazione esattamente dove si trova un potenziale cliente nel suo percorso d'acquisto.

Non è logico presentare una soluzione a chi non ha ancora compreso di avere un problema.

Dimensione del business del cliente
Budget per progetto
Durata del progetto
  • A partire da 1-3 months
Focus geografico
  • Italy
  • Inglese
  • Francese


La valutazione media si basa sulle recensioni di Google Maps e Semrush.
Lorenzo Locatelli
Dec 20, 2024

I worked with this agency to improve my e-commerce on Shopify and I couldn't be more satisfied! They did an excellent job on the site, making it more functional and attractive, and now we are working together on promotion. The premises are really excellent, and I'm curious to see future developments. Special thanks to Alexandre, who followed us with great attention, precision and availability. Although our industry – unpasteurized fermented organic foods and beverages – is a niche, he was able to quickly understand our business and work with us to define the best strategies. I highly recommend this agency to anyone looking for professionalism and a strategic vision!

Elena Micheluzzi
Dec 20, 2024

We had the pleasure of collaborating with Fuzzy Marketing for the creation of our two websites Micheluzzi Glass and Massimo Micheluzzi (we are designers of artistic glass made in Murano) and we can only express an extremely positive opinion on the whole experience. The Fuzzy Marketing team (Alexandre Ricci, Marketing Manager, Stefano Sottile, Store Manager, Alexandru Tiuliuliuc, E-commerce Specialist) demonstrated great professionalism and competence. Production times were quick, and our every request was handled with precision. Assistance was always available, clear and timely, ensuring continuous support and impeccable communication. What particularly struck us was the perfect understanding of our needs, both from an aesthetic and functional point of view. The design of the sites is elegant and refined, in line with the image of our brand, and the structure of the sites has been designed to best respond to the needs of our customers. We highly recommend them to anyone who wants to develop a professional website with a highly qualified and always available team. Elena Micheluzzi, Micheluzzi Glass

Paul Petre
Dec 19, 2024

A huge thank you to the Fuzzy Marketing team for fully implementing our Woof Woof Wellness online store. The result is simply excellent: a site that perfectly reflects the values ​​and identity of our brand. I would like to especially thank Alexandre, Alexandru and Stefano for their creativity, kindness and professionalism. Each phase of the project was managed with attention to detail and impeccable service, always oriented towards our needs. A truly 5 star job! I highly recommend Fuzzy Marketing to anyone looking for a reliable and competent partner for their online business.

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