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Black Kite Marketing

Black Kite Marketing

Local SEO & Content Marketing

Melville, New York, United States

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Black Kite Marketing provides Local SEO, Website Design and Social Media Marketing services for small businesses in Long Island, NY. Our goal as a company is to give Long Island business owners the competitive edge they need to stay relevant in the ever changing digital landscape. Our core services are designed to give you exactly what you need as a business owner to get your product or service in front of a digital audience.

Hire A Long Island Digital Marketing Company

At Black Kite Marketing we see ourselves in our clients. Being a small business in Long Island we can relate to your concerns and understand what you need done. When you work with us you will get a company that is tech savvy and understands the latest in digital marketing while being relatable knowing how to apply this knowledge for small local businesses.

Many agencies and firms charge large monthly rates and treat marketing with a one size fits all approach. Every business is unique and will require a different set of services in order to succeed with online marketing. We will evaluate your business and create a customized plan for how to find your audience online.

Dimensione del business del cliente
Modello di pricing
  • Acconto
  • In base al progetto
  • Qualsiasi
Focus geografico
  • United States
  • Inglese
I nostri clienti
L'agenzia Black Kite Marketing di Melville, New York, United States ha aiutato Day Elevator & Lift a far crescere il suo business con la SEO e il digital marketing
L'agenzia Black Kite Marketing di Melville, New York, United States ha aiutato Alpha Tech Lending a far crescere il suo business con la SEO e il digital marketing
L'agenzia Black Kite Marketing di Melville, New York, United States ha aiutato Gentle Dental Family Care a far crescere il suo business con la SEO e il digital marketing
L'agenzia Black Kite Marketing di Melville, New York, United States ha aiutato Dental Made Easy a far crescere il suo business con la SEO e il digital marketing
L'agenzia Black Kite Marketing di Melville, New York, United States ha aiutato Bio Recovery a far crescere il suo business con la SEO e il digital marketing
L'agenzia Black Kite Marketing di Melville, New York, United States ha aiutato SQ4D a far crescere il suo business con la SEO e il digital marketing

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