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Totes Digital

Totes Digital

We help e-commerce stores generate more revenue.

Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey




We work as your growth marketing agency to boost your all channels by getting more traffic, leads or sales. Starting from Shopify development to your ads optimization, Totes Digital is ready-to-work on your online business.

We help startups and e-commerce companies generate more revenue by using our “SEO Growth Framework”.

Let us take Search Marketing off your plate, so you can work on your business!

SEO is a channel where success is achieved by combining many different disciplines. Here, as Totes, we create the most accurate strategy in many countries of the world and ensure that more visibility, traffic and sales are obtained from the organic channel for both B2C and B2B brands.

We have cooperated with more than 100 brands internationally and provided increase in visibility, traffic, # of transactions and revenue from organic search. We have achieved many successful case studies in this field by providing comprehensive analysis, strategy development and detailed plan.

If you're looking for multi-channel consultancy to grow your online business, we're ready to work.

Dimensione del business del cliente
Modello di pricing
  • Tariffa oraria
  • In base al progetto
  • $1,000 +
Focus geografico
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Turkey
  • Inglese
  • Turco

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Agenzie in: Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey