How to upload a TXT/CSV file with tagged keywords to Position Tracking?
In order to upload your tagged keywords in bulk to Position Tracking using the TXT/CSV file option, first, create your file.
Each keyword should be on a separate row within a separate cell. The tags should be separated by commas and within the same cell as the keyword associated with it.
Next, download the file as a .csv.
The same list with all the same rules applied can be created in a simple TXT document or copied into a TXT file from the spreadsheet.
In Position Tracking, if you are setting up the campaign for the first time, click on the “Tagged Keywords” > “Import from” > “TXT or CSV”.
If you are adding keywords to an existing campaign, click on the blue number next to “Keywords”. Then click on the “Tagged Keywords” > “Import from” > “TXT or CSV”.
Select your file to upload. The keywords with their tags will automatically be imported into the keyword box. Lastly, click “Start Tracking” or “Update”.
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