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Le agenzie ti contatteranno entro 2 giorni e ti indicheranno come possono aiutarti.
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Fase 1/3
About your project
Key requirements
Servizi richiesti
Competenza nel settore
Esempi: "Ho bisogno di un audit SEO per il mio sito web", "Cerco un professionista di Google Ads"
Descrizione del progetto
Budget and timing
Budget stimato per questo progetto
Durata stimata del progetto
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Posizione dell'agenzia
Fase 3/3
Your brief was sent to 0 best-matching agency
Queste agenzie offrono i servizi che stai cercando all'interno del tuo budget. Dopo che ti avranno contattato potrai confrontare le tue opzioni e scegliere il partner ideale.
Overland Park, Kansas, United States
Dimensione del business del cliente
Budget per progetto
A partire da $1,000
Durata del progetto
Focus geografico
United States
Casi di successo
KC Solar: guida il marketing locale dei contenuti
12 mesi
KC Solar ha cercato di aumentare i lead. Volevano quadruplicare il numero di installazioni annuali entro due anni. Per iniziare, non avevano praticamente alcuna visibilità, ricevevano – nella migliore delle ipotesi – 100 pagine visualizzate al mese e il loro posizionamento medio nei risultati di ricerca era all’ottava pagina su Google.
Eseguita valutazione di marketing, comprendendo come sono stati ottenuti i lead, chi è diventato cliente e come KC Solar rispetto ai concorrenti: * Condotto audit SEO, valutando le esigenze dei potenziali clienti. Temi consolidati per blog regolari * Sito Web ricostruito con monitoraggio delle conversioni * Annunci a pagamento sviluppati per acquisire contatti
*Maggiore visibilità: passato dall'ultima posizione alla seconda posizione nel mercato con una quota di mercato di quasi 1/3. *Il traffico è aumentato da decine a migliaia di pagine visualizzate al mese. Passato da coloro che conoscevano il marchio a più della metà ora in base alle soluzioni cercate dalle persone * Posizione media nella ricerca di Google, pagina due
I nostri clienti

Over the past year, Sparkcade Marketing has helped with the Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes marketing. We had a goal of raising enough money to meet a matching goal set by an anonymous donor. It was more than we had ever raised for our non-profit in a single year, so we were hoping to get as much of the matching donation as we could. Sparkcade Marketing not only met the goal, but met it ahead of our biggest fundraiser for the year, so everything we raised at the annual fundraiser was gravy on top. Sparkcade Marketing created a Sidekicks campaign for our non-profit that was something we had never tried before. It ended up recruiting a number of influential people within the city as well as some around the nation to each raise $2,000. Together, they raised over 1/3 of our annual income. They also helped with our annual fundraiser for the year, helping us secure a new location, finding corporate sponsors, and helped with the actual event. They helped with our social media campaign for the year, and even created the newsletters emailed out to our mailing list. Overall, I couldn't be happier with the work that Sparkcade Marketing did for Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes and I would recommend them to anyone looking for advertising help in the Kansas City market, or beyond. Thank you so much Brent, and your team.
The folks at Sparkcade are not solar experts but you'd think they were. They take great pride in their research, represent our company well and drive traffic to our website with leads that are truly qualified. Thanks so much, Sparkcade!!!
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How it works
Tell us about your needs and describe your problem, so the agency understands what you want to achieve.
The agency will contact you shortly and suggest how they can help.
Send your brief to several agencies to maximize your chances of finding the right one.
Filling in the brief does not oblige you to hire anyone.
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Contact details
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Email address
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Step 1/2
About your project
Key requirements
Services required
Project industry
Examples: “Need SEO audit for my website”, “Looking to hire a Google Ads professional”
Project description
Budget and timing
Estimated budget for this project
Estimated project duration
Your location and language
Your brief was sent to Sparkcade Marketing
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