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Jacob Negri Web Design & SEO

Jacob Negri Web Design & SEO

Siti Web WordPress focalizzati sulle prestazioni

Cairns, Queensland, Australia



Ciao! Sono Jacob Negri, web designer freelance e consulente di marketing digitale con sede a Cairns. La mia missione è semplice: aiutare i clienti come te a trasformare la tua presenza online e a semplificare le operazioni aziendali per un successo ottimale!

Concentrandomi sulla creazione di straordinari siti Web WordPress e strategie di marketing digitale efficaci, porto una vasta esperienza e una passione per aiutare le aziende a prosperare online.

Quando lavori con me, non ottieni solo un fornitore di servizi, ma un partner dedicato impegnato a comprendere e raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi aziendali. Sono orgoglioso di costruire solide relazioni con i miei clienti, ascoltando le loro esigenze e creando soluzioni su misura che portino risultati reali.

Nel panorama digitale odierno, il tuo sito web è spesso la prima impressione che i potenziali clienti hanno della tua attività. Sono specializzato nella creazione di siti Web belli e intuitivi che non solo hanno un bell'aspetto ma funzionano anche eccezionalmente bene. Che tu abbia bisogno di un sito nuovo di zecca o di un rinnovamento di quello esistente, mi assicuro che il tuo sito web sia ottimizzato per velocità, funzionalità e visibilità sui motori di ricerca. I miei progetti sono sempre reattivi, garantendo un'esperienza fluida su tutti i dispositivi.

Per avere davvero successo online, insieme al tuo sito web hai bisogno di una solida strategia di marketing digitale. Offro servizi completi di marketing digitale, tra cui SEO, gestione di Google Ads e gestione di Meta Ads (Facebook e Instagram). Mi concentro su approcci basati sui dati per garantire che i tuoi sforzi di marketing siano mirati, efficienti ed efficaci. Analizzando i parametri di performance e ottimizzando continuamente le campagne, ti aiuto a massimizzare il ROI e a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi aziendali.

Al di là dei siti web e del marketing digitale, capisco l'importanza di operazioni aziendali efficienti. Ho un vivo interesse nell'assistenza alle operazioni aziendali e ai progetti di automazione. Sfruttando strumenti come Monday, Zapier e le best practice, posso aiutarti a semplificare i flussi di lavoro, automatizzare le attività ripetitive e migliorare la produttività complessiva. Ciò ti consente di concentrarti su ciò che sai fare meglio, gestire la tua attività!

Pronto a portare la tua attività al livello successivo? Mettiamoci in contatto e discutiamo di come posso aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi digitali. Se hai bisogno di un sito web straordinario, di una potente strategia di marketing digitale o di assistenza per le operazioni aziendali e l'automazione, sono qui per aiutarti.

Dimensione del business del cliente
Budget per progetto
$0 - $5,000
Durata del progetto
  • Qualsiasi
Focus geografico
  • Australia
  • Inglese


La valutazione media si basa sulle recensioni di Google Maps e Semrush.
ajaysreekanth km
Feb 1, 2025

I am very happy to put this review, Jacob has helped our business to grow a lot, connecting with right people, Our google ads and new website done by him is amazing. He solved our problem of lead generation. He is the Go to place if you really want to improve your business. And Jacob is great person as a friend and to work with. Thanks heaps Jacob for all the extra value you have give to Vacmate.!

Matthew Clifford
Feb 2, 2025

Jacob did a fantastic job of my website and the marketing aspect as well. I run a plumbing/drainage and gas fitting business in the maintenance sector. Jacob has set up various processes which have enabled me to run my business with efficiency. Jacob is easy to talk too and actually gets results with no BS.

Will Nash
Dec 1, 2024

I couldn’t be happier with the process and outcome of our website redesign! From start to finish, Jacob made the entire experience seamless and stress-free. He worked closely with us to understand our business needs and goals, ensuring every detail was tailored to suit our audience. The mobile optimisation he implemented is a game-changer. Our website now looks and works beautifully across all devices which has been a huge benefit for our mobile-focused customers. As Pool Service business we receive over 70% of our customers from a mobile device. His attention to detail and commitment to creating a user-friendly site were second to none. What really stood out was his step-by-step guidance to get the website live. He kept us informed at every stage, from planning and design to testing and launch. We felt supported the whole way, and the final result exceeded all our expectations. Highly recommend Jacob and his services to anyone looking for a professional, modern, and functional website!

Simon Pickering
Oct 19, 2024

I'm absolutely stoked with the work Jacob has done for me! I was referred onto Jacob after I was looking for someone to go through my website to see if there's any areas that can be fixed and to check my Google Ads and see if things could be done better. The process of having my website and google ads setup 3 years ago (by a different company) was an infuriating process that lasted couple of months. That company overpromised and underdelivered. This time having Jacob onboard has been a complete opposite experience. Jacob combed through my website and Google ads to see what things could be changed and fixed. He never badmouthed or rundown the company that setup the old site and ads but he found many issues that he knew how to fix. He explained everything so well to me and never made me feel stupid. After some discussions, we both decided that he would rebuild my website from scratch. The whole process was incredibly smooth. Jacob has a way of gently oozing confidence. The way he spoke about integrating the website with Google ads, instilled confidence in me. I felt like I really could trust him. He used a platform called Figma to show the layout of the website design he had in mind. Things were already going really well up to that point but after seeing his plans for the new website, I was blown away. Everything he designed on the website he had an explanation for. Everything was intentional. It felt like he knew about many different things, not just how to build a website. After we locked in the layout of the website, it didn't take him too much longer to actually create the website in Wordpress. Once that was done he sent me a link to preview the website and once again I was blown away. Not only did the website look good on a laptop, but even better on the phone (something with the last company completely fell flat on.) I'm absolutely wrapped in the final product. Jacob has already discussed about where to go from here and what things might need modifications as time goes on. It doesn't seem like he's running off after putting all this work into my website. It feels like he’s truly invested in not just my website, but my business as a photographer. Jacob is approachable, relaxed, intelligent, patient and hard-working. No regrets here unlike 3 years ago.

Tamzyn Adding
Oct 16, 2024

Was really impressed with Jacob and his ability to work with me to fix the issues. Would definitely recommend and use again!

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Agenzie in: Cairns, Queensland, Australia