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Bantam Marketing

Bantam Marketing

Powerful content creation and marketing strategy

Monrovia, California, United States




Bantam Marketing is a boutique content agency designed for SMBs, start-ups, and non-profit organizations.

And just like everyone else on here, we're to help you grow (it would be weird if we weren't, actually).

But in truth, our passion lies in creating stories, sparking connections, and making meaningful SEO content that resonates with audiences.

So, what does that mean? Well, we want to make people feel something.

And we prioritize long-term success by planning, testing, executing, and measuring strategies that align with your unique business goals.

We started out as just a guy in his home "cloffice," (that's an office inside of a closet), making graphics and writing articles.

Since then, Bantam has become a small but mighty collective of passionate marketers who love digging in and helping companies reach their goals (and, of course, we've upgraded to an office with windows).

So, if you're ready, let's work together to create something we're all proud to call "work."

Strategic skills:

• Building content calendars for social media and blogs.

• Creating strategies to grow followers and generate leads through websites and social media.

• Designing multi-channel campaigns to drive conversions and increase revenue.

• Conducting market research to identify target audiences and develop targeted messaging.

• Improved branding and messaging through website design, copywriting, and visual content.

• Implementing SEO tactics to increase website traffic and improve search engine rankings.

Tactical Skills:

• Written copy for blogs, websites, email campaigns, whitepapers, infographics, and more.

• Visual content for social media, websites, sales decks, and printed collateral.

• Video production, editing, storyboarding, and scriptwriting.

• Marketing automation platforms such as Hubspot, Eloqua, Act-On, Mailchimp, Marketo, SendinBlue, and others.

• Website design, development, and management.

No matter the industry or size of your project, we're ready to get to work!

Dimensione del business del cliente
Modello di pricing
  • Tariffa oraria
  • Acconto
  • In base al progetto
  • $0 - 5,000
Focus geografico
  • Canada
  • United States
  • Inglese

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